Page 251 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 5
P. 251
WE ARE and WE are NOT as also WE are NOT and WE ARE
one‘s True Nature from which the individual never returns. A true living dead is not emotionally involved in anything other than the Divine.
The state of living dead does not mean committing suicide, abandoning one‘s duties, remaining inactive, running away from the world, or neglecting one‘s responsibilities of life. On the contrary, the life of a living dead is full of actions — actions that are God-centered, actions that are of pure intention, actions that do not create new samskaras, and actions that use all of ones‘ powers to serve God and his creation. Hence to be living dead simply means detaching from the mundane consciousness. If one has to say he is living dead the most important thing that he needs to exhibit is self discipline.
Self-discipline is a dedication to reality. Any problem can be successfully solved given enough time. Problem solving takes time. We have to be disciplined enough to give the problem our time and attention. We must take the time and recognize that we must delay gratification long enough to solve the 240