Page 461 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 461

We should attempt theFinite for the Infinite
to that and tend to become that itself. The finiteness of our thinking thus transforms to infinite in nature. Love which is confined to the select few expands with no boundaries or discrimination. Service to fellow beings in bringing about transformation is felt as a fraternal obligation. Our prayer at 9 p.m. shall be done with sincerity for the spiritual development of all those brothers and sisters in the world at large without any bias.
The various qualities of Divine like sharing, Sacrificing individual interests for the betterment of others, Service etc., which are limitless attributes by themselves are possible only for a human being. They manifests through this finite form. Infinite is expressed through this finite form. It is by working in the world putting all our efforts in performing our duties with sincerity and dedication only this can be possible and expressed in a meaningful way. Commandments given by our beloved Master serves as a yardstick to judge oneself giving a scope for a gradual evolution of an individual.
Therefore the highest i.e. the thought energy in the form of Pranahuti is used for the transformation of a person. It is introduced at the first stroke of introduction into the system itself and continues to extend the help forever in ones sadhana.
Similarly the purification process, meditations on points A & B which are unique and key factors of ones progress on the spiritual path are specific to practice and yet yield results which are endless in nature. For example purity is something limilitless and infinite in character.
The possibility for a select few of attaining highest spiritual states and growth of consciousness to Divine realms is made accessible to all the humanity by the showering Grace of our Masters of line of order thus enabling us to express the infinite through the finite.

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