Page 462 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 462

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
5. Dr. V Krishna Yaji
The Chapter, ‘Dynamic path of Raja Yoga’, from which this sentence is quoted is loaded one. Necessity to ponder over the subject many a times is felt. Rev Master in a nutshell disclosed secrets of Origin and defects in thinking of humans and dynamic ways of rectification in meaningful manner. He also emphasized the importance of capable guide in this regard.
Development of thinking process in humans, as per Psychologists, takes place in various stages. Development of concrete thinking precedes that of abstract thinking. We are accustomed to understand by concrete examples. If we talk about any subject in very abstract manner, we are considered insane. That communication is very essential part of life, which in turn includes sensory means. Sensory means inevitably involve material tinge. Worldly means is expression for both materiality and spirituality. It is up to us to communicate either materiality or spirituality.
We do not imagine being at the end point in a race / travel in the beginning itself. If we expect, it leads to uncontrolled anxiety or apprehension. This applies to this science also. As the Infinite is bigger than finite, it is inevitable to begin with smaller one before we proceed to bigger one. But still, the motivation will be maintained if the desired thing is kept in mind from the beginning itself. Otherwise we will be distracted by the intermediary results.
We cannot say alphabets are forgotten after we get post graduation or Ph D. The tailoring according to the need of situation is to be learnt. Here, only act of tailoring is significant. Neither who is tailoring nor what is tailored, are significant. This is effective approach towards negation of self.

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