Page 244 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 244
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
at a glance with the aid of the extraordinary power at his command. It can only be one who has himself attained perfection or complete negation of self. Hence we must connect ourselves with such a great power by feelings of love and attraction. It does not matter much what conception of him we entertain in our mind. We may call him our friend, Master, servant or whatever we might be pleased to choose. But he remains after all our guide or Guru, as he is commonly called.
Unfortunately, today, the selection of the proper guide is much neglected, although every religious-minded Hindu believes that it is incumbent upon him to have a Guru in order to satisfy his craving for spiritual benefit. Generally people select any one for the purpose without any regard to his capabilities or worth. They are induced to do so mostly by persuasion or by miracles displayed by those so-called Gurus to attract the ignorant masses. The disciple-hunters are not wanting. They are as numerous as the leaves of a tree, for to most of them Gurudom is a very profitable job, which can secure enormous income, which they cannot otherwise earn. Besides they command highest respect and personal service from their disciples. The ignorant masses thus fall a ready prey to these self - seeking professionals. A petty miracle or an ordinary display of something charming or attractive is enough to attract hundreds of these silly sheep to their fold of Gurudom. A simple threat to pronounce curse upon one who happens to displease them, may bring thousands