Page 245 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 245
Reality at Dawn - The Guru
into their abject submission. Not only this but in order to ensure monopoly of their profession they declare that none but one belonging to the privileged class has the right of being a Guru, whether he may be a Sannyasin or a householder. They claim to be world teachers of religion by birth, irrespective of their capability and worth. Sannyasins, too, you will find these days in multitude posing as Mahatmas and professing to be Jagat Gurus (world teachers). Is it not a pity to find such professional imposters, who are a shame to the nation and the religion, roaming about with complete impunity to cheat and defraud the ignorant people, in order to serve their own selfish ends?
It is high time for the masses to open their eyes and see what havoc has been wrought by them. Gurudom as a monopoly of a privileged class is only an absurdity, introduced by the professional Gurus to safeguard their personal interests. The popularly believed principle that a disciple can never break off the sacred connection with his Guru under any circumstances, is also a cunning device adopted by those false Gurus to make their position safe and secure and is nothing but a fraud. The practice of initiating a disciple (though really based on sound principle) has been much abused by most of the modern professionals who do not understand its real significance. Their only function as a Guru is to breathe a few mystical words into the ear of the disciple at the time of initiation and tell him to follow certain ceremonial practices by way