Page 246 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 246
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
of worship. Their duty to the disciple ends with it and nothing remains for them to do for the betterment of the disciple except to give him their Darshan every year and get their annual tribute from him. Really a disciple should formally be initiated only when true faith exists in him and Divine love takes prime root in his heart. Initiation signifies that the disciple’s link has been connected with the Supreme Power. In that case the spiritual force begins to flow to the disciple automatically according to the absorbing capacity he develops in himself. It depends much upon the power and capability of the Master to establish a sound connection for which high calibre is needed. A sound connection once established shall continue as long as the disciple does not secure liberation which in such cases is not a far off matter to be attained after numerous lives. In fact if a disciple is initiated in the right sense as mentioned above by a Guru of high calibre the question of breaking off from him can never arise. But, for the professional Gurus who perform mock initiations to serve their purpose, it is a matter of constant anxiety. Therefore, in order to keep a disciple permanently in their grip, they proclaim it as a Divine dictate that he shall be courting all the miseries of the hell if he ever thought of breaking off from them at any time. The ignorant masses accept it as the gospel truth, trembling at the very idea of doing anything that might displease their Guru. So they always try to put up with all their atrocities in passive submission. I am sure, there is not the slightest suggestion to this effect