Page 336 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 336
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
whether they have ever come across such a state, which in fact is but the beginning of the first chapter of the book of knowledge. If we try to attain this state by applying our force of thought, it will only be artificial and not true and genuine.
Now we arrive at the next sub-knot. The consciousness of the condition prevailing at it is in the second stage of knowledge. When by dint of our love and devotion we secure our approach up to it we find that the condition now becomes lighter and finer than the previous one. What is it that we find at this second knot? It is a state that presents to our view the presence of the godly
3 Avadhuta : — ecstatic. It refers to a person who is afflicted by a peculiar type of insanity. Under such a condition his talks are mostly irrelevant, his actions meaningless and strange and his general behaviour is self-willed. Apparently he seems to be like spellbound by his own thoughts which tend mostly towards one particular direction. Such a condition sometimes comes upon an abhyasi when he passes through a particular state prevailing at a knot or granthi. It is more frequent in cases of Tantric or occult pursuits. In spiritual pursuits too such a condition sometimes arises when an abhyasi comes across some charmingly attractive condition at a point. But that happens only when the master lacks proper understanding of the situation or is otherwise incapable of apprehending its course by his own power and calibre. In this state an abhyasi does not feel like going ahead and having been overcome by its charming effects settles down permanently in it with the result that his onward progress gets arrested for ever. It is in fact one of the foremost duties of a worthy Master to remain vigilant of the situation and save the abhyasi from drifting into it. In our system this dangerous situation is avoided and the abhyasi is made to by- pass such points with the help of the Master’s extraordinary power, without even having an awareness of it.