Page 337 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 337
Towards Infinity - Knots- Granthis
state prevailing all round and pervading everything. It reflects a tinge of plainness and simplicity, which shows that we have gone into it further. At every point the process of merging and identicality repeats itself, the latter being the final stage of the knowledge or jnana of the point. When we have gone through it sufficiently and have experienced everything fully, the next knot then comes to our view.
Second Knot
Our intensity of devotion now forces our way into it. It must be borne in mind that on entering into every successive knot there is a slight feeling of heaviness in the mind on account of which people often discontinue the practice. But if we take into consideration that every attack of illness is followed by the restoration of good health, we will be encouraged better to attempt crossing of the knots. Now the tone of spiritual experiences is further changed. We feel considerably relieved of the previous denser effect. A clearer view of Reality now begins to dawn. Lightness develops to the extent of simplicity all through, though perfect purity is yet far off. This condition comes in about the end of the second knot. Here we feel glimpses of soul and our experiences at the point are of similar nature. For this reason it is known as the seat of atman. Cleanliness and simplicity are the characteristic features of this state. A feeling of moderation is also experienced to a certain extent. There are