Page 339 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 339
Towards Infinity - Knots- Granthis
Third knot
Existence comprises of all the various forms and conditions in which the different elements appear to us. Now the next stage comes in when the divine luminosity appears in the form of bursting flames of fire. A true devotee associates the heat thereof with that of true love. I may also add that at the time of the creation the Origin wherefrom the currents began to flow out was cold because it was unalloyed with matter. As they flowed out they gave out jerks, which went on multiplying. The jerks occurred mostly at the point wherefrom the process of creation had started. It will be more comprehensible if for the sake of understanding we divide it into three parts. When the coolness got extended up to the limit where it started generating heat mostly by its own actions, there from it began to assume the differentiated form. It was of course the central part. Now the same central part came to our lot in the form of a granthi or knot. There we find some circling rings in it. To be more plain I may frankly say that the very Root - Element now by itself turned into a knot and owing to the multiplicity of actions and counter actions, assumed such denseness as to transform it into matter. Now we are absorbed in it through our thought and are wandering round in it so that we may be able to proceed onwards. When our intense craving brings us in direct contact with the real condition at the knot we find it to be related with the element of fire. By securing merging