Page 341 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 341
Towards Infinity - Knots- Granthis
condition of the region only when our craving for Reality helps us to develop in us the state of identicality, which follows every merging. Since we aim at the absolute Reality, we, in spite of our mastery over the knot, never feel inclined to utilise this power. There is such a soothing tranquillity at this point as one would feel by the refreshing effect of a vast stretch of water before his view. Identicality with that condition will bring the abhyasi to fuller realisation of the state.
Yet there remains one thing to be brought to light. It is that at every knot the state of identicality following the merging is not in fact the final phase of the condition at the point. This state of identicality too merges again into another finer state known as sayujyata (i.e., close conformity). When that has been attained, then alone can the knowledge gained be deemed as complete. Now this closenessorsayujyata havingbeenattainedweproceed on further for higher knowledge.
Fifth knot
There is a great difference between search and craving, the latter being more appropriate. Our craving brings us to the knot, which is decidedly superior to all previous ones. Now we have reached the point and begun traversing it through and experiencing things in a practical way. Now we have our firm stand on it, and our thought assumes a similar trend, which continues till at last we