Page 360 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 360
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
smooth without folds or wrinkles. The seven rings of the Central region as explained in the Efficacy of Raja Yoga refer to this very condition. Just as a man who has been travelling long, sometimes comes to a state in which he forgets his tiredness - an empirical point which can be verified by experience - so does our jnana-hinata which has brought us to the verge of the ocean, also wears out from even thought and gets quite extinct. But we have to go on further still.
Our jnana-hinata too has now come to an end. The next state that develops - though more appropriately it cannot be said to have developed - can better be expressed as the state of tam - “no light and no darkness”. This is what takes us along now and there is no end to it. We may go on and on but this will remain with us forever. If there be a great soul of calibre who may be able to comprehend what lies beyond, he may be able to discover that there is a point, rather a ring, there. The conception of a ring round the centre is indispensable. Such a one as is capable of having an experience of the central point is very rarely born. Still let me reveal something about it. Suppose there be such a great soul in existence who wishes to discover what exists within, tries to peep into the ring around which all the powers of Nature originate, then he is pushed back from it. Anyhow, if after undergoing all shocks he is finally able to make out something of it then words would fail to express it. This is the final limit of human approach and none so far has been able to go