Page 84 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 84
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
think their body as the only thing worth keeping. They consider it as everything. They do not want to see their body decomposed. They are all along with the doctors when they feel it diseased somehow. All care for the body becomes their aim and object. They do not want to free themselves from the idea cradling in them. They are all the time found serving their own master, the body. Soul has no value to them. It is an after thought for them. They do not find any leisure besides. How many circles they have put around their body! It, the body, was solid itself. They have hammered it round and round making it all the more hard and solid. Where do their ideas now lie, on the body or inside it? When you lay stress upon a certain thing the ideas begin to jump inside but in consonance with the thoughts already made. What you find within it is the idea working for the body. Now you are working for the body. You remain in contact with such a body and you make it more solid still. Naturally your ideas, when they rebound after touching the body, become solid. Solidity was to some extent within, as they had, in some form or other, the idea of the body. Now they have become one with the body having the same relation with one another. You can now well be defined as a solid globe having the poles as well as the axis within. You know about