Page 86 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 86
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
Almighty with the idea of creation is working through it. The pendulum-like movement in your heart is nothing but the effect of invisible motion below the Centre. Our heart, being in touch with that invisible motion, plays the same part in its own place according to its capacity. Thus its function is almost the same as that of the invisible motion. Lo! the visible form of the Godly invisible motion. It is a drop of the ocean. It is but a unit issued forth from the Centre. It is the same power in a limited sense. The big thing has its unlimited powers. Limitation, however, is the outcome of your own narrow-mindedness. Invisible motions descended from the main artery for the creation of the universe, and they spread like showers in the big vast circle. These revolving motions constituted the world no doubt, and we see the forms created by the Almighty through the invisible motions all round. This clearly proves that we are connected with the force of power which effected such wonderful results as we see in the world. Thus, though diversely related with each other, all things are finally connected with one and the same thing. These things are all running throughout the bigger circle of which we find our heart as a part. We have limitations created by our own force of will. That is why we find our inner circle of heart separated from the things said above.