Page 85 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 85
Efficacy of Rajayoga : Heart Region
certain limbs of the body. You find also the heart beating. You feel the respiration. You connect all these things with certain organs working. You also know that all these parts are set in different places of the body. You have the idea of liver, heart, lungs and so on. You are truly playing the part of the body as one unit but with solidity of things. You have nothing in your mind but this. You do not know the real play of things. You do not know where these dramas are being played. You do not know that you are tossing in your own ideas. You have made yourself quite distracted and disturbed. Why do these things happen? Why do such ideas flash across? Who supported these things to come in? Who has the reins of all these things, or who is reigning? The heart and nothing else. You have yourself made your heart in this fashion, bringing out such results. The consequence is nothing but disturbance.
All these thoughts were due to the heart, and subsequently all your actions will be governed and regulated by this thing only at the first step, wrongly, if unwisely directed, correctly, if properly directed. It means that it is the master of them all. It is the controlling agency in itself. This is the condition of your heart within you. It is working in different ways and colours. The main artery of