Page 162 - Complete Works of Dr. KCV Volume 1
P. 162

 any dictionary. Why not I use the word complete ignorance? I know this is a 'shocking phrase' to us who are thinkers or wedded to knowledge. But a real Jnani is one who would go beyond our little ignorances and little knowledges - finite ignorances and finite knowledges. You do not take into consideration the whole of Reality. Reality is beyond your perception and imperception or reasoning. Now, what is it by which you can know? It can be known only through 'intuition' or vision. Therefore, we go beyond the ordinary Pramanas or instruments of knowledge and the means of knowledge or ignorance whichever you please, and rise to the level of direct vision of Reality and knowing Reality for its own sake, by merging yourself with Reality and not getting out of It to inspect It. In order to know you thoroughly, I must enter into you. By standing outside, I shall certainly find your height, your weight, this and that. Perhaps I may take an anatomic view. But then I may not know you. Even if you survey the whole of the Universe, as you are now trying to do astronomically and otherwise, yet, you will not know what the Universe is. It is an external view of Reality and therefore a false one. Is it completely false? I do not say so. It is false. It is certainly not the reverse. Now, we have to see whether we can intuit, know the Reality within as part and parcel of it. Of course that is what we are always. For the sake of knowledge we came out of it as fish thrown out of water. You see fishes just jumping out of water and falling back. So we are all coming out of the Being, looking at it and falling into it. Therefore, we are coming out of it in order to get back.
Which is the real life and which is the real death? Death is flying out of Reality and getting back to the Reality is life. We got out of the Being to see the Being and when we merge ourselves in God, we will know Him. Now we are having a very imperfect, very personal, of course useful in a little sense, of the term 'experience'. So, if you want to know Reality, you will have to merge into that Reality which is the Great Ignorance.
Now that means, you will have to cease to be both a subject and object and also vanish. You may all say it is meaningless. But there is no other way or knowing Reality except merging yourself in it, to live in it and be of it and never think of 'knowing it'. Why? All knowledge is a pragmatic reaction or preparation for action in a premature way. Now, this is a very important point undoubtedly made in very theoretical way by some thinkers. But we

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