Page 165 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 165
Story of Revered Dr. K.C. Varadachari
Varadachari and asked him whether he could not attempt research for a Doctorate in Visistadvaita. This resulted in his thesis "Theory of Knowledge of Sri Ramanuja's Sri Bhashya' in a record time of 9 months and he submitted his thesis to University in 1931. The script was typed by him. The Madras University awarded him Ph.D in 1932 and he became the first person to get a Doctorate in Visistadvaita from that University. This being a rare accomplishment Dr.Varadachari was later called only Doctor by all near and dear.
After being a lecturer in the Union Christian College till 1932, he worked for a brief period as Lecturer in the College at Alwaye till 1933. His first child, Rohini was born on 12th Dec.1932. In 1932 he gave a series of lectures at Bellary where his father was working on Vedanta called "Living Teachings of Vedanta". These lectures got developed as the basic tenets of his personal philosophy that was integral and organismic idealism. The idea that God is the Soul of all that is in existence and all conscious beings are to live in cohesion and cooperation with a