Page 185 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 185
Story of Revered Dr. K.C. Varadachari
His contact with Aurobindonians and others continued. In 1957, he was invited to participate in a seminar at Calcutta organized by the Pathamandir. He had delivered the annual lectures at the Madres Study Circle in the first two years. He was again asked to deliver the annual address in 1958. He presided over the Calcutta Birthday Celebrations on 15th Aug 1959. He was invited to visit the Ashram at Pondicherry in 1960, to deliver a lecture at their International Academy. He did receive recognitions from other sides also. He was asked to deliver lectures on "Aspects of Bhakti" at Mysore University, on "Visistadvaita" at University of Travancore and on "Progress" as part of Principal Muller Lectures during 1954 and 1955. He was also an examiner for Ph.D at the Universities of Banares and Utkal. He was also the examiner on Samkyha and allied topics for the Indian Philosophical Congress, Medals and prizes.
Between 1955 and 59 he has made considerable progress in spirituality and has crossed Pind Desh on 2nd mar 57. His case was taken up