Page 187 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 187
Story of Revered Dr. K.C. Varadachari
prayer again for the long life and the prosperity of the couple. But his daughter died on 23rd Nov 63. His attitude to this unfortunate incident may be seen from the following line he wrote to his Master. "Yes: God's ways are inscrutable and I had not even the inkling of this kind to come. I have had disgrace in profession, disasters in personal life but this threat to honor and now death I never thought would be my portion. Indeed this has been a shock to faith on the part of onlookers and perhaps even of abhyasis." In a letter to his son Narayana who felt that the talk of Yoga and Grace of Master are bordering on non sense he wrote " I am speaking or writing to you in all frankness and God has indeed punished us because we did not know human nature, of children, of sisters or boys and so on and friends too. We can be beguiled and misled and this is what makes one seek to arrive at that knowledge that cannot deceive and that is a gift of God. Punishment is for reformation, not retribution. It is when guided by God a real siksha, training in Divine Life. Know all as the gifts of a most benevolent guru - God. Nothing can
happen without His will, and His will is just and good.