Page 190 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 190
Practice and Efficacy of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga
third son and daughter Chitra were married. All this brought emotional satisfaction to him and his wife who was almost shattered with the earlier incidents and very poor health. She was a bad diabetic and had not controlled the same.
In July 1965, he got an assignment in the Madras University to be first incumbent to the Chair of Vivekananda Professorship of Comparative Philosophy and Religion. This meant he had to go to Madras often and many times stay at Madras weeks together. He used to stay with his widowed sister to give her solace and also conduct meditation classes to abhyasis regularly. Thus an opportunity was provided for the aspirants in Madras to derive benefit from the service he was providing in the Master's work. Unfortunately he faced three bereavements one on 16th Oct 65 when his another brother in law died, the second his uncle on 21st Oct 65 and the third one of his wife on 23rd Nov 65. He already had lost the company of his cousin Ramanujam on 4th May 1964. All these had their own impact on him and emotionally he was feeling tilted in his balance,