Page 39 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 39
The Practice of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga and its Efficacy
forming an impression in us which may otherwise be called as samskaras which even when we tend to forget it remains as a vasana with us. Among people who try to get rid of some bad habits, though they make a decision to get rid of it and do get rid of it, the misfortune is the vasana is still there and when circumstances of stress, circumstances of loneliness, circumstances of company are not suitable for you to deaddict yourselves, there is a recurrence. Vasana is present there, due to the samskaras made already by you. Nobody gives us Samskaras, we make our own Samskaras and samskaras arise out of attachment to work. That is why every great saint has been telling us to detach ourselves from desires and action. Unless we develop detachment or vairagya we are not going to progress further. We cannot progress in spirituality towards sharing unless you develop vairagya.
Detachment, it has been always stated by saints and others who have practiced spiritual life is possible only when we are in a hopeless position so as to feel we are not capable of doing anything. The