Page 49 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 49
The Practice of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga and its Efficacy
and are trying to become human from the animal level into which they are born. We find in the Gita wherein Lord Krishna states that – among thousands of people one cares to think of me and among thousands of such people thinking about me only one reaches me. The meditation, which we do, should enable us to come to the level of man. The efficacy of the system depends on whether we are able to achieve the same. From the level of manava we will need to progress further to live in the consciousness of altruism (parahita). This is the first level of super consciousness we need to achieve. How do we achieve the same? The reason why people go to several places is that they are in search of a system to achieve this level. Here revered Babuji says that there are two points in the chest region namely ‘A’ and ‘B’.