Page 57 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 57
The Practice of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga and its Efficacy
innocent as it was earlier. That is the stage to which a person of the caliber of a saint has to progress. He cannot afford to count the harms done by others. He counts only graces and lives forever in innocence.
The funniest aspect of life is that we tend to ignore the god given faculty of forgetting and go on struggling to develop memory. Memory gives rise to bondage. Forgetting enables us not to form links of bondage. Forgetting is a god given gift. If we remember everything then our heads will crash. Thus naturally we forget many things. But the faint impressions are still there. The dirt is removed yet the stink is there. This is what we call the vasanas.
Once our thoughts are brought up to this level Rev. Babuji says we have reached the preliminary state of super consciousness. It is not as though that we have already crossed the limits of animal consciousness. The animal consciousness persists whatever may be the stage of spiritual growth. If animal nature were to go totally we would not have had a Saint Vyasa who is called Bhagavan in the tradition. What happens is that our thoughts most of