Page 75 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 75
The Practice of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga and its Efficacy
nature of evolution (involution) itself and identified mainly 13 knots and many more of lesser importance for general assessment of growth of an individual.
Before any person evaluates the worth of the system it is necessary to note what is the goal that the system is offering. The system of Rajayoga presented by Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj has got a definite goal of making the human living happy. Happiness in creation is the aim of the Lord when He manifested Himself as Nature and all creative processes thereafter.
Any system which says that the world is unworthy and is sinful or qualify it by any such adjectives and exhort individuals to get back to the Lord or His home is asking for something that is different from what God intended. We are all here only to share His glory and be happy. After the span of life expires everyone is entitled to get back to his Home. This can be achieved by following simple ways of living.