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interests, then he is called the one that has achieved highest of Yoga (union with Master).
उरदे ानाऽानं नाानमवसादयते ।् आवै ानो बरु ावै िरपरु ानः॥
Uddharedaatmanaatmaanam naatmaanamavasaadayet; Atmaiva hyaatmano bandhuraatmaiva ripuraatmanah. (6-5)
By his own self should he raise his self; he should not cause his self to sink low. For, the self alone is the self’s help- mate, and the self alone is the self’s enemy.(Rev. SriRamchandraji Maharaj uses the word mind instead of self in this regard)
बरु ाान यने ावै ाना िजतः। अ न ा  न  ु श  ु े व त त ा  वै श  वु त ॥्
Bandhuraatmaa’tmanastasya yenaatmaivaatmanaa jitah;6 Anaatmanastu shatrutwe vartetaatmaiva shatruvat.(6-6)
The lower self becomes the helpmate of that higher self who has by his own higher self conquered his very lower self; but towards one that has not mastered his own lower self, his very lower self would act inimically, as would an actual enemy.
The oral expression given at the time constituted only seven slokas7 to offer brief hints to illustrate the condition acquired by Arjuna through transmission.
6 In the system of the Natural path, the diversion of the thought force from Lower heart to Upper heart and then to Atman is done through the technique of Pranahuti , which is an act of will that enables practicants to maintain one’s thought at upper level and thus carry out all actions in that state of higher consciousness. This is one of the unique features of the system. For more information please refer to the publication ‘Pranahuti’ by Imperience.
7 The seven slokas relating to the nature of Atman is listed from 2-19 to 2-25

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