Page 58 - Introduction to Prananhuti Aided Meditation
P. 58

Point 2: Two fingers width from the left nipple towards centre. Point 3: Top most part of the head.
1. Atthepoint1recite"Hari",thinkofGodasthegiverofBliss.
2. Thencometothepoint2andrecite"Om"thinkingofGodasthegiverof
daily bread.
3. Thentopoint3recitingtheword"Tat"thinkingofGodasthegiverof
higher approaches.
4. Comeagaintothepoint2andrecitethe"Sat"thinkingofGodinthesame
sense "I surrender to Thee".
Take 3 rounds of it in one breath, applying a slight jerk of thought at each of the points.
This Japa is very useful for those who are heavily encumbered with effect of adverse samskaras.

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