Page 237 - The Path of Grace
P. 237

in the clock wise direction the condition of the knot is sought to be brought into full bloom-KCN}
“After the ninth or tenth Grandhi I took the major ones because the differences between the minor knots was inexpressible. So I took the broader steps regarding these grandhis and I finished the run of spiritual life in thirteen grandhis.”
There is a common notion amongst that Pranahuti is unique to us and this is not known to others. Master has written that “ .. the long forgotten Transmission will be the subject of attention for all human beings in existence. We have got that which seemed to have been lost, and now we have it and work with it, thanks to my Great Master..... It may be surprising that Mohammedans here claim it as their own originality which though far from being a fact, I do not dispute with a view that it may work for the betterment of humanity at large not minding whoever may be its originator. All the different sects of Mohammedans (72 in all) have transmission as their base, directly or indirectly and every one of them is acquainted with it and acknowledges it........ Now it

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