Page 239 - The Path of Grace
P. 239

Omnipresence of the Master, get transformed in the realms of Brahmand and Pind desh through a series of inversions and knots.
The joy or happiness or peace of one plane is the agony of the next plane. This needs to be fully understood to understand the various conditions in the journey.
The series of inversions is the cause of observing similarity in the state of consciousness and one can discern only when one owns the conditions of the knots. Every one reports calm or peace and every one is right from his angle. But the fact is the conditions are different at different levels. Sugar, candy, jamuns are all sweet but they differ.
The nature of the conditions obtaining in the various knots have been covered in our workshops on Viveka, Vairagya, Interdependence, devotion, surrender and Balanced living.
As we start our yatra from the first knot, we find that the major discriminative intelligence that has to develop is regarding the goal clarity. Every

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