Page 238 - The Path of Grace
P. 238

is our lookout to improve it as best as possible for the benefit of humanity irrespective of caste or creed.” If transmission can do our yatra in all the knots as it is commonly believed by many of us, then all our Muslim brothers should be either realised or realising. We know that is not case while we can not deny the existence of great saints among them also. It should be clear from this it is not only the Pranahuti that helps us progress but our individual dedication to the cause also.
What is more important is that the characteristics have the capacity of bind us to the knots. Viveka or Vairagya by themselves are capable of being enjoyed and make us get stagnated.
As we descended or expressed ourselves the states of, 1. Joy of remembrance of the Master 2. Joy of recollection of Masters Omnipotence 3. Joy of awareness of self 4. Joy of competence of self 5. Joy of using ones competence for the purpose of the Master 6. Joy of awareness of harmony of self with Him and all that exists and 7. Joy of awareness of

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