Page 67 - Path to Perfection
P. 67

merge together into one and the same unit. When all chakras (plexuses) have been crossed through this (new) method, i.e. all chakras are brought up to have identity with the Ultimate Being, then that whole thing (state) is to be drowned in the Zaat. This practice on the disciple should be continued for some time, which will result in (the development of) such a condition as may be difficult to be the fortune of quite many good and fine people, and can not be arrived at through years and years of one’s own hard practice. Restlessness of mind would have come to an end just through this first method. This method is very difficult, and can not be practiced by everybody. One whom God grants affinity, may perform it. I am telling some thing secret for being noted down: just this is the method to achieve perfect merging with God (Fana-fillah)”.
[15-5-1945 Pg. 18 A.B. II-III]
Connections-Establishment Of
“Connection remains with the Master alone. The guiding master may also be included therein.” Question: “Are the relationships of the elders, prior to the Master, also to be taken?” Answer: “All relationships are included in the Master.”
[25-05-1944: pg. 24 (A.B.II - I)]
Connection - With Master
“First of all the connection of one’s disciple to one’s own Master and Highest Predecessor be established. Then, establishing the connection from the disciple’s heart to his/her brain, its chain be linked to the connection, established first. Thereafter, it is to be conceived that the connection from the heart through the mind to the highest Predecessor has been established; and this be endowed with a light force.”
“This alone shall remain the method for the future; and this invention will be related to the name of dear Ram Chandra. This is some thing Providential, that such things are issuing forth from him.”
[11-02-1945: pg. 165-166 (A.B.II - II)]
Condition Of The Aspirant – To Know

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