Page 68 - Path to Perfection
P. 68

“The method of inquiring into somebody’s condition, is to transmit a little to him, having the thought that whatever condition is there in him, has come up (to expression). After having done this, one is to get oneself oriented to him, and observe as to how sublime is the effect flowing from him to oneself. It is however, essential that the person who is transmitting (i.e. preceptor) should be able to have sensibility to every condition of the person to whom transmission is given, and whose condition is being inquired into. There is another, better method, which is for use by special persons: dear Ram Chandra has very often mentioned it. It consists in expanding his condition, to yield the knowledge of that condition immediately.”
“There can be one more method, though not as perfect or whole, that the forceful sublimity of the other alone shall cast effect on oneself.”
This (third) method is akin to the postmortem examination of a deceased person by a doctor (surgeon), who takes out all the inner organs of the body to discover the exact cause of death. Just like this, the condition of the person (aspirant) being observed, be taken out (in the vacuum), and then expanded through transmission, which should be given from the point of heart. Thereafter it should be observed (minutely)to find out which particles in that condition are (still) gross, and which ones have (acquired) sublimity, capable of emitting the condition. The particles which contain the capability for emitting the condition, are to be taken to have come up to the awakened state of the sublimity, (residing in them). Just this technique can be of use in Brahmanda (Kubra) and Para Brahmanda (Ulia) regions as well. Dear Ram Chandra’s theory of spiritual particles (quanta) is marvelous, and very effective. Nobody’s insight has ever penetrated into this aspect; nor has anybody ever utilized it. If you enquire of me, this is the entire sum and substance of spiritual training. The desired result can be achieved immediately through this. It is possible to climb up to (the state of ) God just through this. This is simply the one method (to achieve the goal).”
“I put a question to dear Ram Chandra to make his intelligence penetrating; and he answered it in the modern terms.”
[22-09-1944: pg. 248-249 (A.B.II - I)]
Carnality –Control Of
Instructions: “The sum total of carnal desires resides at the navel. When needed

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