Page 119 - Showers of Divine Grace
P. 119
we see even this day. Grossness has developed to the extent that it has become an impediment to the Divine Grace. The higher approaches are not possible if the accumulation of grossness continues. The beauty of Natural Path system is that it cleans the grossness for His Grace to descend. But in case the accumulation of grossness is there, the abhyasi falters and lingers at each step.
Another difficulty that comes in the way is that the people of this age have begun to fear Yoga because, whenever, there is a talk of Yoga, their mind is diverted towards Hath Yoga, deep breathing and so on which might have harmed so many. There are several persons who did not want to test the efficacy of our system — the remodelled system of Raj Yoga because they are satisfied with what they do. Due to their habits they feel satisfaction in the worship they do out of their avowed method. They take it to be the spiritual improvement which is really not there. They take satisfaction as the mark of peace. But satisfaction relates to the senses of grosser type while peace is close to the soul. If this worship is neglected for a day they feel restless. But if the peace be there, there is no question of