Page 189 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 189

1. My condition nowadays is that of resignation. I feel that I should simply go on and on with whatever I am supposed to do with respect to worldly and spiritual matters, reposing on him, dropping off all my baggage and he will take care of everything (including spiritual progress). In Satsangh recently, I had the thought that Master knows exactly what to do with regards to the mission, I simply need to yield, submit and do my duty. There is more and more of peace and settled-ness in me.
This is not resignation but surrender to Master and that is good.
2. Lot of thoughts pass by, I do not remember any of them. Sometimes I see images but do not remember them. Once feeling of “everything is Thy will” was there. Another time feelings of surrender were there.
The words ‘everything is thy will’ and ‘surrender’ are vague. It has been explained many times the problems are always specific and only when you donot want to communicate the same you use these words. Arjuna surrender due to his inadequacy to decide on matters of dharma, Gaya surrendered to save his life etc., Why these vague thoughts are stated to arise during meditation is not clear to me. Are you suggesting to me that you have given up all efforts and are totally dependant on Him in all matters? Think well and report.
3. I also have had several experiences where I got the sense that I need to surrender. These would come upon me a various points during the day. On one occasion, I was running for exercise and felt tearful and touched by God. Everything I saw was beautiful and I felt blessed.
You are experiencing surrender in this way also. All is for our good only.
4. After meditation I feel settled balanced, calm. These days I feel a lot blessed, gratitude and devoted. A feeling that we are His serfs and here to serve Him.
These are noble thoughts and relate to the field of devotion and piety. When the idea of serf dissolves later then we can say we are in realm of surrender.

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