Page 191 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 191

Thought pattern is very light. (c) Thought that everyone is equal and each have their own talents. (d) I am completely happy with whatever Divine has given me in terms of grasping power, brain power, judging power of material situations. I just concentrate on “NOW” and take situations as it is , instead of thinking HOW is should have been. (e) When lapses occur in behavior or any other aspect, I submit immediately to Rev Master.
These are all signs of moderation and balance and that is fine.
3. There was a lot of burden of imagined expectations of my role leading to unnecessary and exhausting effort, mostly mental. This also reduced to a great extent and there is more focus on what I can do given the situation. There is more joy.
What else be a good lesson in moderation.
4. My dependency on Master is increasing as I am going through difficult times at work which sometimes starts affecting health. Accepting everything as His gift.
Dependency is one of the conditions that continues till the end. Dependency in what for what are all many stages. Dependency while doing the work of the Master is a high stage. I am really sorry that your work affects your health. Take everything in due moderation and balance and that is the way for efficiency.
More on Balance:
1. Balance is the way of life and keeping that as your helm you will be able to swim the ocean.
2. You may kindly note that we live in several planes and our thoughts would be related to them only. To balance our living in all the planes remembrance of the Master is the way as he is present in all the planes. So be patient and work towards your goal and all assistance will be forthcoming to you.
3. Peace as you know is not the goal. Reality simple and plain is without any characteristic-it is Null. However peace is the foundation on which it rests. Peace gives us a feeling of being satisfied and satiated. But the real state is one of restlessness and it is a restlessness to maintain the Balance. The more we become Master centred the greater the restlessness. If we are self centred we

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