Page 205 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 205

come during meditation and dreams are really evaporations of our own thoughts and we should be happy about that rather than trouble ourselves. Please read P.A.M. and After Life to know more the dreams and their relationship with mediations.
2. Once during meditation, I felt like I had a dream. The content of the dream is that I was missing a train.
This is common enough content of a dream about which I think it was written in PAM and After Life. This relates to fear of loss of opportunity etc., You can safely ignore these type of dreams, however after taking measures to strengthen your faith in the path and the Master
3. A terrifying dream where I was driving my bike & the head of the person who was coming in the opposite direction fell in front of me.
Some person who is felt by you as an opponent or competitor is punished by your unconscious. However it is necessary that you develop love universal to avoid these types of dreams.
4. A dream where there were many abhyasis along with Rev. KCN sir. Rev. KCN sir was explaining some spiritual concepts to the abhyasis. Then I had to catch a train & so I told everyone that I was leaving. When I saw the time, it was 6:45. Then I immediately got up & saw the time. It was 6:45 A.M.
This means that the acceptance of the path is not with all the 3 levels of being. It will develop as faith develops.
5. Dreams about snakes.
This indicates possessiveness and you will transcend this state of mind through regular practice.
6. Dream: There was a round ball full of impurities which was coming to come out of my mouth.
Attend to cleaning process properly and then these types of alternative cleaning process will not be entertained by the sub conscious mind.

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