Page 81 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 81

completely identical or indiscernible. We presume that distinctions are brought about the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states at least as far as human beings are concerned.
The Master distinguishes between individuality and identity. He defines identity as a fine idea, which develops into thought. He says that it can be taken to mean as that which brings into cognizance the consciousness of the origin or Reality garbed in a somewhat grosser covering. The grosser form strikes at the heart the idea that there must be something beyond, which should be its cause and so on with no real limit to this chain of cause and effect. Suffice to say that at its finest level it is denoted as identity and every embodied soul will have a separate identity. This remains intact till Mahapralaya (Final dissolution) when all identities fuse together into one common identity which later serves for the cause of the next creation. Thus it is the individuality or feeling of separation which is lost rather than the identity. This is attributed to the dormant action of the Root force due to which a nominal difference is maintained between ‘being’ and ‘non-being’. In a way we may think of this as the expression of the law of conservation of energy, each identity being a manifestation of the divine energy casting itself into a separate mould or monad as if it were. God ceases to be God if He would not express Himself in manifestation continually. Revered K.C.Varadachari says that it is a philosophical necessity that a person goes on existing through Mahapralaya. But it is not clear nor it can be settled beyond doubt whether the very persons who underwent the dissolution would return as themselves again, or to put it more graphically as Revered.KCV does Markandeya come back after every Mahapralaya as creation follows dissolution endlessly?
The two words Cosmogony and Cosmology are closely related, the first one referring to the ‘theory of the origin of the universe’ while the second one refers to the ‘theory or science of the universe and its contents’. We find the Master giving His rather brief account of both these aspects under the above topic.
The universe in its infinity, variety and grandeur has always challenged the imagination of man, triggering a sense of awe and wonder in him. Every religion has its own mythic account about the origin of the universe, its sustenance and its destiny and religious philosophy has tried to systematize the mythological descriptions providing a rational order to them. The religions of Hinduism and Buddhism give a cyclic account of creation following dissolution, whereas the Judeo-Christian account seems to be a linear one starting from the time origin of creation and stretching into an

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