Page 83 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 83

began to develop due to the increase in intensity and vibrations. By the effect of continuous heating the particles began to come into motion and veil after veil started forming over the Reality which got wrapped up in the coverings like a silkworm in a cocoon.
The stir or kshoba is a sacred thing next only to God (Centre) and Prakriti came into existence under its influence i.e., due to the revolving motion around the Centre. This stir, the cause of the cosmic phenomena was brought about by the will of God. At the time of creation, power flowed out from the Centre in the form of currents creating knots, which could be thought of as congealed or solidified power. When we see any liquid in the form of surging currents, we notice there arise twists and turns with the higher becoming the lower. As the distance from the Centre increases, the currents slow down as if it were and gather at one place, the accumulation forming the knots. With the gathering momentum initiated by the stir, actions and reactions continued till objects began to assume individual shapes.
As the creation process came into full swing, animate and inanimate objects began to come into existence and the universe got formed. The same root force or stir entered into every being as the chief active force. In man it became the mind at the root of which there is the same dormant will, just as it is in the case of the stir. Thus the human mind is closely identical with the root force or stir of which it is a part and the functions of the two are quite similar.
The Master gives the justification for the creation process when He states that God is the Centre from which the energy starts. Energy becomes frozen if its utility is not there. So in order to maintain His existence, God sent out power resulting in creation. Master also gives an estimate of the duration of the creation process as revealed to Him in a state of super-consciousness and this period lasted for about one lakh and twenty thousand years. The word srishti comes from srj to project and dissolution is not annihilation per se but a withdrawal of the projection back into the Centre or source from which it got projected. The Vedas portray Srishti poetically calling it as the ‘breathing out’ and dissolution, the ‘breathing in’ of the Cosmic Person.Purusha Suktha describes creation as the result of the Purusha Medha, the sacrifice or Self- offering of the Divine Purusha Himself for expressing His happiness in His expression namely creation in which the human being occupies the highest position. God effaced Himself so that the world can come into being of course as His own expression. That is the ultimate sacrifice for the happiness of all that is expressed. This is the real meaning behind the mantra in the Isavasya Upanishad, ‘tena tyakthena bhunjitah’- each one is exhorted to sacrifice for other’s happiness and be happy thereof.

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