Page 84 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 84

The Principle of Cause and effect is also finding expression here, the stir being the cause and creation or manifestation or what we call prakriti, nature is the effect -Master says prakriti came into existence under the influence of kshoba the sacred thing next only to God- of course brought about by a stroke of the will of God when the time for creation came. The creation is maintained by the will of God and when its velocity vanishes it shall be the time of dissolution. Thus the supremacy of thought and will gets established in Master’s account of creation and dissolution.
The Master has referred to the revolving motions near the Centre as being responsible for creation. In fact wherever we look we find this revolutionary motion occurring in the universe. The galaxies revolve around the galactic centre in which our sun also takes part in addition to its spinning around its axis; the stars most of them move around each other, the planets move around their suns and so on right into the atom where the electrons go around the nucleus in the atom. Further all fundamental particles of matter spin around their own axis.
The Master also reveals that heat is the mechanism, which produces grossness and the original state of extreme subtlety is characterized by absolute coolness. Physical science says that there is absolute stillness and no activity at the absolute Zero temperature of -273 deg. C. The kinetic energy is directly proportional to the temperature. When there is heat there is agitation in matter as well as mind which may be regarded as a subtle form of matter. The Master says that thoughts too have ‘weight’ depending upon their association i.e, heavy when linked to matter and light when linked to the spirit or God the subtlest principle.
The Master concludes by saying that creation was the result of the churning motion, which got activated when the time for change came about, the motion being caused by something which can be called an active force. This force in turn must have a base for itself which can be termed the Ultimate or the Base.
Space and Time
Master says it was only space all over before creation and being of God (Isha) was a later development and it took some ‘time’ for its appearance. Time followed after God had come into being. This does pose a question regarding the appearance of God, which was a ‘later development’; if time itself originated after God came into being, we have no way of reckoning how much ‘time’ it must have taken for God to appear for the purpose of creation. Master observes, ‘At the ‘time’ when there was only the Absolute and no creation, the question of time did not arise at all’. The use of the word ‘time’ and the past tense referring to the situation before ‘time’ itself came into being, the ‘clock’ starting with and reckoning the onset of creation process,

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