Page 85 - Wisdom Unfurled
P. 85

indicates merely the difficulty of conventional language which attempts to capture the scene. The creation process was set in motion when the thought of creation got enlivened in the base.
The God being referred is not the Absolute or Base but the creator God or Ishwar, the functionary performing the work of creation and all manifestation of the creation are both in the heart region far below the sphere of the Absolute. The agency of creation took some time to manifest, the time taken for the currents descending from the Centre forming the various regions one below the other so to speak starting from the Rings of Splendour, then the Mind region and the Heart region respectively.
The Master says that we see space as eternal and endless and hence God also should be likewise. Space is the mother of creation of God and time is the negative state of it. He poses the question, who created space and says that the only answer can be that the need for creation of God and of the universe led to be the cause of existence of space. It is and shall ever be therefore eternal. Then why not worship space? Master refers to a hint about it in the Rigveda, but it is an unsolved mystery for want of precise clarification. If one develops the state of space or ‘akasha’ within himself, he has then reached the highest point, which corresponds to the final state of negation which every one shall aspire to.
If we ponder somewhat over the nature of space, we see clearly that we can not perceive space in the same way as we perceive other objects. If we send any stimulus such as shine a torch into space so that we can catch the reflected light for our perception as it happens in the case of our perception of other objects, we shall be disappointed as absolutely free space as we are considering will just transmit that light into its endless bosom. We cannot touch or smell or hear or taste or see ‘space’, thus akasha is truly ateendriya, beyond sensory perception. Space again is stainless and incorruptible in its essence, has unbounded tolerance allowing all manner of things, persons and entities to coexist within it treating all of them equally. It does not react with anything it harbors and is not reacted upon either. It supports all and all of their activities. It is limitless, all pervading, inside and outside of all things in creation animate and inanimate, sentient and insentient.
We also see that nothing can leave a permanent ‘impression’ on it; even taking for granted that massive material objects or radiation energy density change its ‘shape’ it restores itself to its former state the moment the disturbing influence is removed. As things move on there are other things which can take the place ‘vacated’ by the former smoothly and seamlessly. It thus allows the drama being staged on it to go on without participating in it

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