Page 230 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 9
P. 230

“If we are in the hands of a real master all the things necessary for ‘man to be called man’ gradually come out of themselves”
The topic of the seminar "If we are in the hands of a real master, all the things for 'man to be called man' gradually come out of themselves” is very important for any person who seeks to find a solution to the problem of life. It may be noted that we are considering the problem of life and not living. Prima facie this sentence would be appearing to provide an easy solution to the problem and once we are in the hands of a real master nothing need be done by us and every activity aimed towards the solution of the problem of our life would automatically follow. As persons treading the path we know that would be a simplistic way of looking at the issue. Before examining this aspect of sadhana let us focus on certain important points in the message.
Master in this statement brings into focus two pregnant concepts in his system of modified Rajayoga.1. ‘Man to be called man’ (real man) and 2. ‘Real master’.

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