Page 79 - Efficacy of Raja Yoga
P. 79
The Practice of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoga and its Efficacy
understands the temporal nature of existence and the need to detach oneself from sloth and indolence which makes him sleep longer hours than required. It also demands that the importance of the Goal be always kept in mind. Traditionally this was called the development of Viveka and Vairagya.
Therefore, it becomes clear that the Knots 1 and 1a are to be loosened. This can be done by meditating on the point B, located by the Master, which when made clearer makes the goal clearly understood.
2. Commandment 2. T o practice this commandment one has to understand that he cannot be confined to the animal level of existence and has to transcend the basal needs level. It also demands that one is clear about need for love and devotion to the Spirit behind all existence.
This also relates to the knots 1 and 1 a and therefore meditation on point B is necessary to be practised diligently.