Page 80 - Journey to Infinity
P. 80
condition is bestowed on us with or with out any option from us in two ways. Moreover along with the spirituality of the sequence of condition the relation and connection would also develop, so that similar relation with the essence of other points in sequence. In the end there would be relation and connection with the material and nonmaterial things, plants, animals, stones and all classes of people and essence of the entire Universe. When is this possible? These matters are possible only when relation and connection has become Dayami with Paramatma or Khas Zaat and Real by His grace. These are not possible with effort.
Ibney saadat bajore baju neysth
Gar na bakshad Qudaey bakshinda
Hazrat Rasalat Ma aab has started the Order of Internal connection .The training and the method was shown to every body in the same manner. The method of friendship was for some days, and then along with that japa, then dhyan etc. was included. In the beginning they used to do japa with external words etc. Stroll in the centres (Lataifs) and in the crossings (Aboor) in between. The sequence starts from the lowest centre and this continued till the end one by one in an order. And this method of connection has spread among the elders of other Orders too. But Hazrat Khaja Bahauddin Saheb Nakshabandiya Aley ul Rahamathau converted external japa into internal japa and brought a special change in the practice of dhyan. This change is that with attention and bringing change in people the work was getting done and (the aspirant) dropped the attention from the lower places ie.. He suggested starting from the place which is the ending of the previous elders. This has become a special type of compound training, which has become a patent and remained as a new/modern reference. The answer to the question is that the original reference which is ancient has been modified and added with special and new innovation. Therefore it is given as a new impetus as a new reference and it is famous in the name of Khaja Nakshabandiya Saheb quddus sarooh. It is because of a special change in teaching /training it is considered as a separate one, otherwise expectation of bliss is the same. The change is by the Order and permission of Rasool Maqbool Salley Allah Vasllam.
This method is especially of love and attraction/pull. The upward pull and bliss are of two kinds. One is that of lover and beloved, as per their own wish, on reaching the “Jajib haqiqi (manifest Real) or Zaat haqiqi (Absolute Real)”, He pulls them towards Him by holding their hands. This method is that of love and devotion. The second method of pulling is that of pulling the beloved by Jajib haqiqi, on his own accord, by holding the hands of the beloved from the beginning. This is not possible with out the acceptance of God. In both the methods God is the first inspirer and His intention first