Page 76 - Path to Perfection
P. 76

Opening Of Plexus Or Sublimity
“Transmission be continued directed to the plexus (sublimity), intended to be taken up; and it should be opened (awakened) according to capacity; this everybody knows alright. What remains needed is that such motion be created therein by one’s will as to set up that material in it (plexus or sublimity) which would make it attempt blossoming (opening) by itself and progress in the same direction. That is to say that such power be created in the particular plexus or sublimity as may enable it to go on opening (blossoming) through its own courage and effort in the desired way (direction). This thing can be felt / grasped better through the experience. This method can be applied to every plexus, when that one alone be intended to be taken up; and it can be made to serve very many great purposes. This method will be very beneficial for someone who may have little time to come, personally to the guide”.
[3-2-1946 pg. 119-120 (A.B.II - III)]
Methods of Mergence in Knots
1. Through YATRA: “The first Method concerns the possible device to get one’s own points and plexuses opened up through one’s own efforts, after the guide has made an aspirant cross (initial spiritual) stages to some extent, and brought him to traverse the intermediary destinations (of points and plexuses) in a shadowy (Aksi) way. For this purpose there are two devices. He (Ram Chandra) has given preference to the second device; and I also prefer the same. The first device is to go on transmitting oneself lightly from one’s brain to one’s own heart. Neither dear Ram Chandra nor I favour this technique, because there may be the possibility of the transmission running in excess of what may be the real need. The device, anyway, is certainly there; and is correct.”
“The second device is to suppose that one’s own subtle body is present before oneself (practicant); and then transmit to the heart of the subtle body. If one remains doing just this, progress will continually be assured quite well. The second branch of just this device in details is as following, even though it is not a job for one and all: it requires a very cultured and sensitive person. The technique consists in first continuing to transmit to the heart of one’s own subtle body till it acquires the condition of mergence (Fana), and there-after emergence of the condition of permanent living (Baqa) in it. At this stage the next point, viz. the soul (Rooh) is to be taken up for transmission. When the condition of

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