Page 52 - Showers of Divine Grace
P. 52
commands we receive from different centres for each faculties.
Now our life changed from spirituality to matter and this went on and we became worse. Somehow, either by the effect of circumstances or by the company of pious persons, we got a passing air of Divinity and began to compare it with the present state, and then we came to know that there is something superior to what we have.
We now began to seek the method to revive our original condition. We searched for a proper man. If the thought deeply touched the core of the centre which is ultimately found in all centres, in other words, if somehow we touched the spirituality, the basic substance of all the centres, it produced a kind of trembling, and as every action has some result, it had its own, i.e., it would lead us to the proper man who is really spiritual. If we fall short of it, we will move towards the person who has formed a personality, gross, in the garb of spirituality. We will always get the right person if the craving is for the realisation alone. Fortunately if we have got a master who is all spiritual, then it will be master's duty to destroy the poles we have formed by the effects of our unbalanced thinking. When they are