Page 88 - Showers of Divine Grace
P. 88
power of the Master combined with our own self- effort redoubles the force of progress. Besides in this way the over consciousness of selfeffort remains subdued and never promotes the feeling of ahamkar or pride which often comes into the followers of grosser mechanical ways. Now since times are changing, as I have hinted at in ‘Efficacy of Raj Yoga', only such means as introduced by our Revered Master Mahatma Ram Chandraji shall be in vogue throughout the world.
The knowledge of the Divine is a science. The power of Nature which flows from the original repository (in the form of knots) has the capacity of both creation and destruction. The sages of India always utilised the power of creation for the reformation of humanity. The power of destruction which exists in abundance is also so strong that even an atom bomb is no match for it. This power too is being utilised at present for setting up a new world in place of the present one. Spiritual renaissance has already commenced, and India shall again lead the world, no matter how long a time it may take. The world will soon realise that no nation on the surface of the earth can survive