Page 128 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 128

contrasted to the possibility of swimming in the Ocean of Bliss which could have been his lot had he not terminated the sadhana till the goal is achieved under the capable guidance of a Master.
11. To know one’s mistakes and whole heartedly repent for the same is the index of wisdom. To go on thinking that you erred is neither good for the mind nor the soul. Please do sadhana as prescribed and it may not be difficult to come upto your and Masters’ expectations.
12. It is necessary that we should practice sincerely and there are no ifs and buts to it.
Otherwise the results will be not to the promised level but according to your deservancy. No problem of yours or for that matter any one else is something totally different from other sadhakas. Most of all the problems are only in our mind and there is no external problem except relating to physical ailments and environmental pollution. So far as I know there is no way available to us in the world which will suit our idiosyncrasies and notions. Learn to live in the higher plane subduing the lower plane and things may become brighter then.
13. Some seek to have the cake and eat it too. That is a type of psychology bordering on greed. We need to be thankful to Master for all that (good and bad) that is conferred on us. It is necessary to be in the thought of the Master trusting Him to know what is good for us and be thankful.
14. One thing we need to learn in spiritual life is nothing stays and least of all stays as we like it. Change in condition will be pleasant or unpleasant according to our expectations. But the main point to note is that expectation is the least spiritual state of mind. As I have been telling 'torpor' and 'excitement' are the two conditions we prefer though both of them are not desirable.
15. While we all have the capacity to bounce back from life's difficulties, sometimes we have a Busted Bounce due to circumstances beyond our control. Life is like a bouncing ball. Sometimes we are up and sometimes we are down. What is most important is not where we happen to be in the cycle of the bounce, rather our ability to bounce back at least once more. Surrender to the Master is possible and is necessary too in our lives.

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