Page 176 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 176

Levels of Consciousness
1. At one point in these past 2 months, I felt thoroughly disgusted with my own past. I am very sorry. I want to beg for your forgiveness. I wish to lead a chaste and principled life from now on at whatever cost. Only due to his undifferentiated love and grace and the enormous help rendered to me, I am lifted out of such a desperate and deplorable state, and could live like a human being. I did not understand the need and what it means to be living in the Upper, and now I wish to follow the same.
Very paradoxically it is our nature to be in the Upper portion of heart. As a matter of advice I may tell you not to live in the past or the future but always live in the present in the company of Master who is with us always.
2. May I ask you a question related to the doctrin of rebirth?
Rebirth becomes necessary, when we have not learnt the lessons of higher values of life. In the context of Rev. Babujis’ system I would say that unless a person stabilizes himself in the U portion of the heart by living the values of Honesty, Compassion, Non injury to others, non-avarice, no-greed, chastity and absolutely fidelity and many more related values pertaining to the realm covered under U consciousness, Nature provides us opportunities to learn them by allowing us to be reborn and until we learn them the gates of higher consciousness do not open up.
3. Recently my eyes always looking at inner attachment with the being while doing worldly duties, even I look at the outer self of every being, I feel looking at the divine consciousness. I experiences prominent divine consciousness at my upper heart region while doing regular meditation.
What do you mean by divine consciousness? Do not use words which have to be used very carefully. As contrasted to the lower mind the higher mind is what is active in U portion of the heart. Its nature can be summarised in so many ways. Kindly read the articles on nature of Super consciousness of the inferior type.

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