Page 48 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 48

1. In most of the Satsanghs, I was slipping into absorption and coming back and slipping again into absorption, if you permit me to say so it was on and off. On some days there were not many thoughts, on some days I have experienced lot of noise and high intensity of thoughts. After meditation I felt calm, and some times I felt I was filled or charged with energy.
You do not need my permission to say what you experienced. Please note that once we learn to ignore the thoughts during meditation it is only the feeling at the end of meditation that matters. And I see that is good as per your report.
2. During Satsangs, I am not able to hold my thought on divine light for the initial few minutes and am able to hold thought after that. Sometimes I go into absorption state. Sometimes I get thoughts of Master. I feel peaceful after meditation. Sometimes I get worldy thoughts and occasionally I get thoughts of master.
Never start a sentence negatively. For afterall you have the thought of divine light most of the time. Count graces as they say.
3. During Satsangs, I have experienced on and off absorptions, and sometimes complete absorption. In one of the satsanghs I felt lot of resistance to continue in the meditation. After satsanghs some times I felt a slight headache, and some times I felt calm.
Sloth and torpor has many forms. Interest to continue in meditation develops with regular sadhana and love for the goal.
4. During some Satsanghs, I have experienced calmness and absorption. In some satsanghs I felt heaviness after meditation, and I have also observed myself snoring. Thought patterns during satsangh have been primarily around Work, and activities around that. Towards end of Satsangh, I have observed that I feel that it is too long.
Regarding time when cleaning happens very intensely you may feel it as too long and some times even painful to the body. Snoring must be due to bent

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