Page 51 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 51

15. During Satsanghs, feelings of being in some other plane are felt and suddenly I become aware. Depth of silence and calmness is increasing.
All these statements are good. But it is not clear whether you had all these four feelings on all days or were they on different days. It cannot be that you have had no other thoughts and you had only these thoughts all the time. There is need to be clarity in expressing your state of mind during meditations.
16. During Satsanghs, absolute silence is observed. Balancedness is felt. Some days along with being aware, a feeling of being very deep in meditation is observed. Some days become unaware of everything and feel as if coming back from an unknown zone.
Such are the blessings of the Master. You are now cruising the realms of Prapanna Prabhu and it may not be far off when you will be admitted into the realms of the divine. Maintain humility and also Sraddha in your practice. Read the book Reality at Dawn.
17. Satsanghs: Have been regular. Some days feel absolutely silent and on other days there a many thoughts that are passing by and I do not remember any of them after the Satsangh. Once the thought on importance of Sandhya was there.
That means you have not understood our system where we have replaced the Trikala Sandhya with our methods. Are you saying that you thought of this during satsangh? Is that not silly?
18. Have been regular on Sundays but on other days missed for almost one full week. I feel I am aware but sometimes after getting up from satsanghs it takes a little time to know where I am.
The question is not so much your awareness or otherwise. Do you feel the divine impulse and feel the calmness and settledness that comes from that. I think your understanding of the system is itself vitiated. You need to read the BASIC ARTICLES more and stop your imaginary and certain times irresponsible interpretations of the literature.
19. Satsangs and sitting: Vastness, insignificance of self. Thought after to not just enjoy silence but to seek Him.

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