Page 55 - Three Truths - Trillion Doubts - Volume -II
P. 55

1. I follow the vapor method, initially I just give the thought like all the impurities are going from my back and the divine current flows into my heart from my Masters heart, for about a while I am aware of the flow and later I just feel that but not really aware of it. After cleaning feel very light and fresh. Feel that the day just began.
The samskaras are acquired by us over a period of many lives apart from this one. The feeling of lightness after cleaning is a sure indication of your effective cleaning. Ignore all the thoughts that you may become aware of during purification process.
2. Most of the days after cleaning, I felt silence and on some days it has been calmness. Some days I am left with a feeling that cleaning was not done.
You should have the confidence that you have done your work and what is this feeling that cleaning was not done? By You? or you think Master would do that for you and you are judging that.
3. Method followed: Ocean of bliss: I feel that something is flowing through my body. Sometimes I go into absorption state. I feel lightness after cleaning.
State of absorption though reported by many aspirants is not all that desirable while attending to cleaning which is an active process. Please ensure you do not get into meditation during cleaning process.
4. I have not been regular with my evening Sadhana. After coming from work, I have tried to spend time with my family and do sadhana after every one went to sleep. Some times I could do it, and other times my sloth took over.
The system has to be followed methodically and then only it gives us the desired results. Otherwise we may get into troubles in yoga.
5. During cleaning I am able to maintain thought. Sometimes I felt Jerks in

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