Page 83 - Journey to Infinity
P. 83
body, hearing of songs helps in the pull of Atman. If he does external japa, hears songs, sees material light, pull of Atman happens temporarily. There cannot be strong and permanent attraction and happiness, on the other hand, internal japa and visualizing internal light definitely is permanent and strong. Therefore there is temporary show of emotions by hearing songs and absorption for a short time, again same condition appears. On the other hand, it so happens that unworthy people are ruined by hearing songs from immoral people. There is always a fear that if a good person hears songs, an ordinary person copying it, will definitely hears the songs and it is possible that they may not accept when objected. This is very improper because they run towards a dark well due to their bad mentality.
It is not a bad/big thing to hear only the talks in a satsangh, but they should make effort to progress so that they follow the talks and writings from books and they themselves become like that. It was the principle of elders and people of olden days to develop first faith, purify mind and gain stages because according to their mind, their only desire was to get nearer to Paramatma. As long as the mind is not cleaned and purified, these curtains will not go away. For the same reason, by cleaning of mind and Nafs their faith becomes strong and they make their faith so strong that they do not have any thing except that of Paramatma and what ever powers and attainments they had, they think them to have come from Paramatma and they belong to Him. All the faces and bodies coming in front of their eyes, used to appear as mirage. It is possible that a person can be an “Akrab” but not an “Akram” in the court of Paramatma. The meaning of Akrab is to be very near and Akram is to be very big elderly. An Akrab is a person having Fana and negation and not very elderly. An Akram is a person who has attained stages but do not have Fana and negation. A person is considered as more elderly near Paramatma who is a “Parhejgar”.(one who observes abstinence, sobriety)
c) Vilayath avval (first order saintliness) means that Banda’s intimacy and nearness is only with Paramatma and no body else. Such a Vali (sadhu, fakir, yogi.) has “Khavarik” and “”Tasrufat”
d) Vilayath doyam (second order saintliness) means that nearness is also with the world and such a Vali is accepted by people and they are his followers. His relation is with the entire Universe.
Khavarik are called so, as they have some strange matters which are present in Mahatmas. For example, flying in the air, appearing in different places at the same time, meeting thousands of people with one body Etc. Etc.
Tasrufat is having access to some body’s Atma or putting the thoughts in other person, influencing other person Etc. {perhaps this is what is now taught as Pranahutiin the circles of Rev. Babuji Maharaj- Ed).This type of